Sometimes you love money and the role it plays in your life…

And other times well let’s just say it isn’t your BFF?

You know those times when you sit at the kitchen table and are trying to figure out how to finance that next business venture or better yet pay all those extra expenses that came out of nowhere?

Or what about when you realize that you really need to have more retirement saved up but you have no clue which retirement vehicle to look into?

Because you just don’t know…

Or you have looked into different investment vehicles but you aren’t sure which one to choose because well frankly you have tried different things and you aren’t consistent with putting money away.


Well the washing machine broke

The new purse called your name

Or you eat out like a zillion times a week

Or you hoard your money in a safe in your bathroom

I get it – I had a time like that years ago!

My money story was one of love and hate.

I didn’t understand my own relationship to money.

Once I learned from a trusted mentor that is when everything shifted for me.

It’s funny because it isn’t about the “money”.  It really also does include your story around it.

When I learned my Money Archetype and learned how to relate to money in a different way that worked for me…

Everything shifted.

I met the love of my life.

Built a gorgeous log home.

Started a new business  around money – can you believe it?  And built a thriving 6+ figure business.

And those are just a few things that happened for me.

The point is that it really is all about your money Archetype and putting it to use for you.

Do you know your money Archetype?