Not too long ago, one of my clients came to me because his cash flow had gone from a fire hose to a small trickle.

He was making great money to the tune of $500K a year but he never seemed to have enough money left at the end of each month to pay the bills.

You know the saying Rob Peter to pay Paul…that was his way of life.

So as a virtual CFO, I went through his whole financial system and even took a look at his day to day operations.

What I found blew his mind.

There were several places where he was hemorrhaging money.  (That we quickly fixed.)

And I found $30k he didn’t even know he had coming to him.

Sometimes, it takes an expert to look at your business from a different set of lenses.

If this scenario reminds you of your business as it currently stands and you want me to take a quick peek under the hood -book a complimentary 30 minute call with me.

Right now is the perfect time to take a look at your business structure and the finances.  Not only will you discover where your cash is going but you will be able to put together a Business plan for 2021.

As part of our conversation, we will also talk about how we can build in some safety nets to protect your business from hiccups that may happen.

Case in point in 2020, the businesses that thrived were the ones who had safety measures built in and were able to shift their business model quickly.

Our team can share what that would look like for your business.