Five Bottlenecks to Avoid that Stump Your Business Growth
As a business owner, you have likely acquired many skills and are wearing many hats in your business. Although admirable, your versatility can often lead to slower growth for your company. This happens when you become the bottleneck. Here are five places to check...
Ten Things You Might Not Think to Delegate But Should
Just about everyone suffers from a lack of time to do all the things they want, or even need, to do in their business. One of the solutions to freeing up your time is to delegate. The question is, what are the most effective tasks to delegate? Here are ten ideas...
Are You in the Business of Pleasure?
You might not think you are in the business of pleasure, but we all are, to one degree or another. If we don’t give our clients a great experience, they’re not likely to come back. That’s why we can learn so much from the entertainment industry, even though we might...
Life Beyond the Profit & Loss Statement – Do You Know Your Lifestyle Ratios?
Each month, you may anxiously await the reports that provide the numbers that help you manage your business. Revenue, net income, total expenses, and payroll costs are just a few of the items that you may be monitoring on your profit and loss statement. Those...
Are You Fully Supported in Your Business?
Whether we run a large company with dozens of employees or run our own solo business, we rely on a support team of vendors, customers, employees, contractors, and other associates that help us carry out our business goals. Here’s a fun exercise to discover the...
Twelve Low-Cost Employee Perks for Fun & High Performance
It’s always a good idea to help employees stay motivated, and there are many things you can do besides the traditional cash bonus. Here are twelve ideas that cost little yet go a long way with employees, contractors, and other business associates. 1. Compressed...
Cutting Expenses Key To Profitability, But How? Some Tips
It may seem like a no-brainer - cut expenses to make more money - but many small changes can result in significant savings. It looks like the economy may finally be looking up. Still, this is no time to loosen the purse strings in terms of your business expenses....
The Power of Permission
What have you been wanting to do in your business for a really long time? Perhaps you’ve been wanting to raise your prices. Maybe you want to hire an assistant or another team member but haven’t gotten around to it. Or maybe you want to work less and focus on...