by Fran McCully | Oct 10, 2019 | Business Tips
Does your business ask your customers for their credit card numbers at any time during the sales process? If so, it’s essential that you honor the privacy of your customers’ private data as well as stay in compliance with the Payment Card Industry rules. Every...
by Fran McCully | Sep 26, 2019 | Accounting, Bookkeeping Tips
When you pay a bill in your business, are you 100 percent comfortable that the bill payment is correct and justified? Is there ever a chance that that bill is fake or fraudulent? What about duplicates? With so many fake bills being mailed to businesses these days, it...
by Fran McCully | Sep 12, 2019 | Business Tips
One of the most important parts of managing a business is making sure there is enough cash to keep the business going. As a business owner, you probably have a very good idea how much cash you have in the bank at any time. The smaller your business is, the more likely...
by Fran McCully | Aug 29, 2019 | Business Tips
As an entrepreneur, you likely place a high value on freedom. When the word “budget” is mentioned, you might cringe and feel like it hampers your freedom. But it’s really the opposite. Here’s why. According to a 2019 article in Small Business...
by Fran McCully | Aug 15, 2019 | Cool Tech Tools
More and more small businesses are finding virtual meetings useful. Virtual meetings have many advantages: No travel time is needed for participants, so you’ll save on gas and auto maintenance. They create an ability to visually connect with remote employees,...